5 Tips For Teachers To Deliver Effective And Engaging Online Learning

After the world had to deal with the pandemic and many educational systems were forced to go online, it became evident that teachers needed proven tools and methods to establish good contact with students when teaching remotely. While everyone, from teachers to curriculum developers, made remarkable strides in the circumstances, the disruptions have clarified the need for additional resources to help continue developing and delivering engaging and effective online learning experiences. According to Statista, the total eLearning market worldwide will grow exponentially and by 2026, it is projected to reach over 370 billion U.S. dollars.

Whether it is full-time or virtual, a classroom is a place where you get new knowledge and ideas and interact with each other. How educators reshape teaching using engagement strategies is critical. Engaging students with disabilities through fun and interactive content will enhance learning and social engagement opportunities for all. Various websites and technology components can be added to daily training or provided as additional training activities. Here are 5 tips that educators can use to create greater student engagement online and increase active participation in distance education.

1. Interactive Lessons
Online lessons can be pretty dull, and you, as a teacher, will quickly lose your students' attention. Regaining it will not be easy because you are not in the same room. The best way to keep students engaged in an online class is to have interactive lessons. Teachers can also embed interactive learning experiences for students in PowerPoints using the PearDeck add-on for Google Slides or NearPod. Students can interact with learning content using questions, polls, or student-specific responses.

2. Add Movement To The Lesson
Another often overlooked method of attracting students' attention is to get them to move. You can ask students to stand or sit during the lesson, depending on the task or the group by whom the project is being performed. Thanks to such simple manipulations, we help the body to warm up and not sit in one position while also maintaining good concentration on learning.

3. Animated Response
Sites such as Voki, PowToon, and StoryBird are examples of online platforms that allow learners to interactively respond to content by creating a voiceover, cartoon, or creative storytelling. Forbes writes that a suitable method of engaging students in a lesson is gamification, and that's why an animated response can be an excellent way to get your students involved in the learning process.

4. Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning requires all team members to have specific, defined tasks to complete, and without the input of each team member, the work will remain incomplete. It is essential for teachers that students know what to expect from an assignment, how to access a specific technology platform and the desired result. Students work with each other on projects where they must collaborate as a group to understand the concepts that are presented to them. By defending their positions, rethinking ideas, listening to other points of view, and articulating their points of view, students will gain a fuller understanding as a group than they would have as individuals. In addition, such training prevents the student from losing focus on the task and forces them to focus on the project.

5. Brevity And Conciseness
Keep your text and video passages short. Online concentration drops very quickly, especially when social media distractions are nearby. Just be careful not to blur your material and focus on short, clear ideas.

Maintaining student engagement online is challenging. This is why many study centers today turn to top software development companies for customized solutions and help with organizing online lessons. These tips can also be your first steps to get more student engagement in online education. It is no longer so difficult to organize high-quality online education in today's digital world. However, teachers still have to be creative and start engaging their audience in active learning. If you are starting to be interested in this topic, you need to have a plan. Such a plan will contain goals that will show you whether you are moving in the right direction. Even in volatile and unconventional environments, learners can have a positive learning experience when discovering a love of learning and developing essential skills. Teachers are vital to this. They are significant and appreciated for the work they do. Continue your development and do not be afraid of digital technologies—if you use them well, your lessons will become more attractive to your students.


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